Columbia Porsche Group (CPG)

While our Region has a large concentration of its members in the St. Louis area, we are fortunate to have a significant number of members who reside in the Columbia, MO area.  To better serve those members we have a “Columbia Porsche Group” (or CPG as we call it) within our Region.  If you are a Porsche owner in Central Missouri be sure to look for the “CPG” events on the Region calendar and take part in their terrific events.  Past Region President, Allen Maddy, heads up the CPG.  He can be reached at  Allen is assisted by a number of folks who play an important role in making the CPG so successful.  Feel free to reach out to any of them if you have any questions or to join up with them at their next event.  The CPG is also on Facebook with their own group:

J Thrash:

Robby Robinson:

Dave Danuser:

Barb Danuser:

Andie Smolanovich: