Greetings St. Louis Region Members!
I’m a proud mama. Last month, my youngest (Sara) drove in their first HPDE event at WWTR and LOVED IT! Greg, Sara, and I have been doing autocross events together for about a year now. After attending the Women on Wheels (WoW) HPDE event in September as a spectator, Sara got an itch to try HPDE. So we registered for the Fall HPDE, and the rest is history. Sara had a great instructor, who provided the guidance and support to make it a fun and educational event. I’m certain that Sara will return at a future track event. As usual, our HPDE committee did a fantastic job organizing and executing this 3 day driving event. I’d like to extend them a big “Thank you!” for all the work they put into it. I also want to thank our generous sponsors (Porsche St. Louis, West County Auto Body, ET Tuning, JML Audio of St. Louis, and STL Best Films & Coatings) and driving instructors. Our great HPDE events wouldn’t be possible without you!
Speaking of great events, join your Porsche friends for a drive to Fast Eddie’s in Alton for lunch. Enjoy a November “Valentine’s” Brunch at YaYa’s in Chesterfield with your sweetheart. And if you’d like to get a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes workings of your club, or would like to get more involved in organizing club events, join us for our bi-monthly Board Meeting in Clayton. And if you’re up for a final Fall road trip before it gets cold, be sure to register for the mid-month Eureka Springs Porsche Palooza by November 1st.
Then for December, be sure to mark Friday, December 17 on your calendar for our annual Holiday Gala. This year, we will be returning to the Missouri Athletic Club – West, where we held our 2019 event. Registration opens later this month.
Check out the articles in this newsletter for more details about all of these upcoming events. And with Winter just around the corner, be sure to take advantage of the nice days, and get your P-cars out of the garage to see the Fall colors!
Happy Motoring!