Submit your Photos, Videos and Stories

Submit your Photos, Videos and Stories

Use this form to upload:

  • Your Car of the Month submission*  (Your high-quality image in .jpeg, .png or .gif format – Be sure to include your name, Year and model of the car, when and where the picture was taken)
  • Image for Die Porsche Plauderei or this website (high-quality image in .jpeg, .png or .gif)
  • Video for this website (.avi, .wmv, .mpg or .mp4)
  • Your article for Die Porsche Plauderei (Word .doc, .docx, Excel .xls, .xlsx, Adobe .pdf or Rich Text .txt)
  • Your post for this website (Word .doc, .docx, Excel .xls, .xlsx, Adobe .pdf or Rich Text .txt)

Anything you upload will be moderated and tested before publication



*Car of the month submissions:  This is not a competition, there are no prizes, trophies, awards or esteem bestowed, other than the warm and fuzzy feeling you get seeing a picture of your car permanently enshrined on the web.  We choose the car of the month based on the image’s appeal to us, the admins.   Our decisions are final and there is no appeal process.  It is , after all, only for fun.